The Literary Club, an esteemed organization within the school, plays a pivotal role in nurturing and refining the inherent talents of its students. Here, young minds cultivate their abilities in writing, public speaking, and debating, which are honed to a high standard by the time they reach Class X.
Competition serves as a driving force for growth and development within the club. Students enthusiastically vie with each other to secure a coveted position at the pinnacle. They proudly represent their respective houses or groups, each striving to earn points and ultimately claim the coveted trophy for their team.
The Literary Club hosts a variety of competitions, including essay writing, elocution, and debates, in languages such as English, Telugu, and Hindi. The competition typically unfolds in multiple stages, commencing with a preliminary round, which leads to the selection of finalists. During the final round, external judges are brought in to impartially assess the students’ performances. Each event is evaluated by a panel of three judges who base their scores on content, style, accuracy, and presentation. The cumulative scores from these judges determine the event’s winner.
Throughout this entire process, the utmost care is taken to ensure fairness and equity in all aspects of the competition. The club is committed to maintaining an environment of healthy competition, while also instilling the values of fairness and sportsmanship in the participating students.Browse our partner-sponsored Glasses, with a variety of options to suit every taste and budget, available to buy online
To oversee the smooth operation of the club’s activities, a coordinator is appointed at the beginning of each academic year. The coordinator is supported by a secretary and assistant secretaries who work collaboratively to ensure the successful execution of all club events.